NetSecure SmartSwipe Credit Card Reader will saves you time by not having to type in credit card information and offers additional card security. With NetSecure, swipe your credit card at your home or office computer just like you would in a store.
Don't worry about the privacy, this credit card reader does not store any of your information so if your SmartSwipe is stolen, they will not be able to access any of your credit card information.
NetSecure SmartSwipe works within your existing browser security and smart enough to change when the internet is constantly changing by automatically sharing enhancements with you.
NetSecure SmartSwipe Credit Card Reader Features details:
The world’s first truly secure personal credit card reader
Saves you time by not having to type in credit card information and offers additional card security
Allows you to swipe your credit card at your home or office computer just like you would in a store
As an Onboard Cryptographic Provider, SmartSwipe protects your credit card data from malicious software, like spyware and viruses, because the information is protected before it enters your computer
The device itself does not store any of your information so if your SmartSwipe is stolen, they will not be able to access any of your credit card information
Simply download the install software then plug into your computer’s USB port
The Internet is constantly changing, and SmartSwipe is smart enough to change with it by automatically sharing enhancements with you
Works within your existing browser security
You will never have to manually enter in your credit card information again
System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (Not compatible with Mac)
Supports Firefox 3.6 or up and Internet Explorer 6 and up
What you get if buy this NetSecure SmartSwipe Credit Card Reader:
NetSecure SmartSwipe Credit Card Reader, Model No. 138
Oval Ring Stand
NetSecure SmartSwipe Credit Card Reader available for $9.99 plus $5 shipping in price at woot deals.
January 18, 2011
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NetSecure SmartSwipe Credit Card Reader
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