SOG Outdoor Gear 3 Piece Set with Nylon Sheaths are great outdoor tool equipment. You can save your money if you buy this package. This SOG Outdoor Gear consists of SOG Entrenching Tool, SOG Hand Axe and SOG Folding Camp Saw where each product comes with a protective nylon sheath.
What will you get from the SOG Outdoor Gear package box:
1 SOG Entrenching Tool (F08) features a tempered steel blade with teeth cut into one side for cutting and slashing, strong and fits triangular handle and includes nylon sheath.
SOG Entrenching Tool Spcifications details:
Length: 18.25” (46.4 cm)
Closed Length: 7.25” (18.4 cm)
Weight: 24.5 oz. (693 g)
Edge: Straight
Steel: High Carbon
Handle: Steel
Finish: Black Powder Coated
Sheath: Nylon
1 SOG Hand Axe (F09) designed for chopping and cutting wood features more aggressive grip with contoured textured G10 handle, razor sharp 420 stainless steel, non reflective hard cased black coating and includes nylon sheath.
SOG Hand Axe Spcifications details:
Blade Length: 2.4” x 0.186"(6.1 cm x 4.7 mm)
Overall Length: 11.1” (28.2 cm)
Weight: 18.6 oz. (526 g)
Edge: Straight
Steel: 420
HRC: 51-53
Handle: G10
Finish: Black Oxide
Sheath: Nylon
1 SOG Folding Camp Saw (F10) essential piece of survival equipment that perfect for camping and hunting. This folding camp saw features 7.88 inch blade of hardened and tempered steel that makes short order of branches, small logs, and brush. Equipped with comfortable kraton rubber handle with stainless steel liners that helps to cut deep and true on each and every pull stroke. This folding camp saw has extremely sharp teeth are differentially tempered for long life and work on green as well as hard wood. Also includes nylon sheath.
SOG Folding Camp Saw Spcifications details:
Length: 17.25” (43.8 cm)
Blade: 7.88” (20 cm)
Closed Length: 9.5” (24.1 cm)
Weight: 8.6 oz. (243 g)
Edge: Saw
Steel: High Carbon
Handle: Soft Grip TPR
Finish: Black Powder Coated
Sheath: Nylon
Limited time offers, this SOG Outdoor Gear 3 Piece Set with Nylon Sheaths available for $39.99 plus $5 shipping in price at woot.
December 03, 2010
SOG Outdoor Gear 3 Piece Set - Hand Axe Saw and Entrenching Tool
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